Wednesday, January 3, 2007

The Honeymoon is Officially Over

No, not CB and I, but rather Apple and I.

In early 2006, work kindly furnished me with a high end Macbook Pro laptop. Our relationship was rosy from the beginning. Ah, we were young and optimistic. No wrong could be done. But I knew. I knew in the back of my mind that all things end.

The fan has been, oh, what's the word?... 'grinding'. 'Can't hear someone in the room speak' grinding. It has so far taken 32 days, 2 visits (leaving the laptop both times), 1 system planar (wtf!?) for Apple to NOT YET fix it.

I like OS X, I like the hardware (when it works), but man these folks are difficult to deal with. They make Dell look responsive. Add to this the fact that the new system planar is flaky and I'm seriously reconsidering advocating Macs.

On a related note, I read the other day in the National Post that, according to a recent study, the reason for nostalgia is that your brain gets a happy on when it remembers something. Anything. Our consciousness interprets this by associating the positive feeling with the memory itself, not the act of recall and presto: nostalgia. Hence I fully expect the love affair to begin again as soon as I get a new fan.

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