Monday, February 13, 2006

A nice big kitchen

I had today off work and had planned on doing so much:
-Unpack, clean and organize the remainder of the kitchen
-Clean the bathroom
-Scrub down the upstairs and downstairs hallway
-Hang mops and brooms in the pantry
-Clean the laundry room
-Wash and hang curtains in the bedroom and living room
-Trip to Home Depot for all the odds and ends

What I actually did
-Unpack, clean and organize the remainder of the kitchen
-Quick trip to Zellers and Home Depot.

I actually thought I was doing really well on the kitchen. I had the whole thing sparking and organized by 12:00. Except that the battery on my clock had run out and it was really 2:00. Since I had to go to Karate at 5:30, that barely left me enough time for a home depot trip and to make myself dinner!

Oh well. It is nice to have a big kitchen you can move around in. It turns out we do have a lot more cupboard space than our old place, which is nice. I don't have to stack everything on top of each other, which is such a pain when actually want to use something. Just have to get the pantry organized now. That calls for another trip to home depot with G to buy shelves! Oooh can't wait! (how domestic!)

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