Thursday, February 16, 2006

I guess I should chime in

I've tried to dedicate a little time out each evening to unpacking without going overboard. I'm starting to feel like this will be a never-ending task. As CB pointed out, however, we only moved in on Saturday. I begin to suspect I may be obsessive/compulsive.

So far we've tackled the kitchen, the dining room, the living room, the master bedroom, and the office. These are all liveable, but there is no art, no curtains, no knick-knacks and still a few strategically hidden boxes. It feels little bare.

I have no clue how we fit all of this stuff into a two bedroom apartment. As near as I can tell, we have filled a three bedroom house and almost filled the largely unused basement. I realize it's just 'cause things aren't organized, but it still feels bizarre.

1 comment:

Lt. Dan said...

It's just that nothing's in shelves or drawers yet. It'll get sorted.

But god help you when you migrate the booze collection over...