Friday, August 18, 2006

Green thumb? Brown thumb :(

Ok, so it turns out that part of having a nice garden means actually planting annual flowers, and actually watering it every now and then. Oh ya, and weeding comes in handy too.

After several weeks of neglect (due to our crazy schedule including being away every weekend!) and very little rain, things are getting droopy and brown, and a little out of control. Yes, I saw our Virginia Creeper creeping along about 20 feet of garden where it wasn't supposed to by. Man, I think that plant is actually a Triffid. Oh, and I won't even try to explain the pruning disaster with the forsythia.

There is very little flowering at the moment which, mixed with the drooping and brown, makes things look a little - less than impressive. Although the poppies still seem to be going - amazingly after about 7 weeks! I'm so glad I didn't pull them out when I thought they were weeds.

Finally having some inspiration, (and a day off) I decided to buy some flowers to plant and pretty up the barren front yard, but alas, when I arrived at the No Frills garden center, it was no more - just an empty parking lot. I guess that's what happens when you decide to start gardening mid August!

Anyway, here are some pics of more colourful days.

ps. any advise from all you gardening fanatics is more than welcome.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fall mums are in at Loblaws. They'll bloom till frost. Also, look for icicle pansies. They'll bloom until it snows and will bloom again next spring. Your Autumn Glory sedum will be starting to turn pink soon.

You can plant your bulbs for the spring in September (tulips, daffodils, etc.) if you want to keep playing in the dirt.

There's always something to do in a garden.