Monday, October 9, 2006

Keeps on Ticking...

Fifty years, six kids, eleven grandchildren, two great-grandchildren, a few dozen pets, and a dozen or so prairie towns later and my parents are still going strong.

Congratulations, Mom and Dad!

CB and I just rolled back into the big T.O. after a long weekend in Saskatoon celebrating my parents 50th annivesary.

I admit that I still have a bit of a soft spot for Saskatchewan (despite a complete lack of desire to live there), but even with this colored perspective, it's hard to argue that Saskatoon in the fall is quite pretty. At least it was this weekend. I think we hit the three days during which the leaves turn and fall. We were on the sixth floor of the Sheraton across the street from the Bessborough Hotel (formerly a CP hotel; now a Delta) and had an amazing view of the river and the University and Broadview bridges.

The party was great fun. I managed to chat with family that I haven't seen in twenty or, in some cases, thirty years. It was very nostalgic and I think ... not sure, mind you ... that we brought my father to tears. Those of you who have heard my wife speak of my emotional detatchment (in less flattering terms) may be able to grasp the significance of this.

I'll post some photos tomorrow...

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