Wow, so it's been a while. Just checking in quickly to share some photo's of our garden.
It's been really amazing. I don't do a whole lot and yet these enormous green things just keep growing and growing from dirt and water!
This is mid may (ignore the year, apparently I'm also digital camera challenged and can't st the date right).
And it's amazing how much it filled in after just 10 days! (yes, this is the view after two glasses of Pimms)
The clematis in the back is just out of control. It already bloomed in early June with beautiful purple flowers with whit centers. Now it's full of buds again and has started blooming with a different dark purple flower! And I found out that the weed I almost pulled, but decided to give a chance is actually bright red poppies! And mom, that green thing that "doesn't do anything" sprouted some little purple flowers.
I'll post more pics when I figure out how to upload from the new camera G and I bought for our anniversary.